Reflections of Spirit everywhere

The Great Spirit’s essence permeates All-That-Is in pronounced and subtle ways. It’s everywhere, and you can perceive it if you look at things with real eyes. In your calm, centered, and aligned state, you can easily have such a sacred realization. Look around you, not only to the physical things but also through them, around them, and between them. Everything is literally alive. The lively freshness of a tree’s young leaves unfurling in spring, the glowing top of a mountain silently declaring the sacredness of the ground around it, the calming whispers of a water stream gently flowing and kissing the rocks and the lichens, and the exquisite joy of a baby deer jumping lightly and lightful in the grass are just some of the reflections of Spirit on Earth. Such pure energetic expressions inspire you to return to your innate sacredness and essential divinity, for you too, when in higher sacred alignment, are a clear expression of Spirit. Anything that emerges out of a lack of inner alignment, aka lower states of consciousness, is far from being a reflection of Spirit. Eventually, it fades under divine design and grace. Keeping your inner alignment and divine connection alive is the secret to seeing and being the reflection of Spirit, no matter where you are!

Copyright © 2024 Susana Cabaço. All Rights Reserved.

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32 thoughts on “Reflections of Spirit everywhere

  1. It’s so profound that explains the present state of our world. You said it perfectly, when “ego overshadows the Spirit”. Such a realization brings not only greater understanding to our life but also inner redirection – from ego to spirit!! Thank you, friend, for your precious input here! Greatly appreciated! Blessings and light to you*


  2. Anything that emerges out of a lack of inner alignment, aka lower states of consciousness, is far from being a reflection of Spirit.” A profound thought! Indeed, lower states of consciousness is characterized by a lack of inner alignment, in which EGO (as in identification with what is not SELF) overshadows the Spirit.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Anything that emerges out of a lack of inner alignment, aka lower states of consciousness, is far from being a reflection of Spirit.” A profound thought! Indeed, lower states of consciousness is characterized by a lack of inner alignment, in which EGO (as in identification with what is not SELF) overshadows the Spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you, Lungi, for your positive words about my blogs. They inspire me to keep writing and sharing with all. And, yes, keep sharing your inspiring lifestyle content. I truly appreciate reading it (and I guess I am not the only one…). Sending you lots of light and blessings, my friend*


  5. I have the same feeling of awe you described since I came to live in Bulgaria, where nature gets dormant and naked during winter. I literally feel enlivened in admiration when spring starts to sprung – a totally new experience for me compared to times in Portugal. Contemplating our surroundings adds so much value to our experience. Wisdom, patience, understanding, empathy, wonder, calm, and so on, just to mention a few. Thank you, Edward, for your words and presence here. Always appreciated! Blessings and light 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Excellent post as always, Susana. You are so right; everything is alive, and we can get so much meaning if we pause and actually see our environment. Living in this part of the United States has awakened a sense of awe in nature. It’s amazing to see a plant that apparently died during the winter come back to life in spring. It’s just amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I am glad my words resonated deeply with you. Your words are a smooth balm for my soul. Thank you for your feedback and presence here. Always appreciated! Blessings and light to you, my friend 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Welcome always, Peter! I am glad these words serve as a reminder to be more present and in wonder. That’s the ultimate reason for living! Blessings and light!


  9. It surely does and you depicted it really well. Everything is alive and inter-connected, you included, an integral part of the grand sacred design. Thank you, James, for your words and presence here. Much appreciated. Blessings and light 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you, my friend, for your kind words. They are also a balm for my soul! I am glad my words get you in touch with the spiritual essence within and without. Blessings and light to you 🙏 💫

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Really love this, expresses how I am encountering and feeling the spirit/soul/consciousness being a call to be open, to feel, to notice.. to be Alive!

    Liked by 1 person

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