Touching the sacred

As you enjoy your unique human experience on Earth, it’s important to keep in touch with the sacred. That’s the way to bring forth into existence and practically experience your eternal spiritual essence—who you truly are beyond the concepts and limitations of physical reality. Touching the sacred with your thoughts, vision, and heart elevates you and lightens you up thoroughly. It connects you with a subtle grandness of pure goodness that is aware of you from an eternal perspective. Your body relaxes naturally, and you have access to unlimited and powerful energy, even if for just a little while. Touching the sacred, in whatever form, means to be touched by the sacred. And it depends mostly on you—on your intention and awareness. Being inner-connected and present puts you easily in touch with the sacred within and without. Practice deliberately touching the sacred in some moments of your day. By doing so, you are allowing the sacred into your life. Does it make a difference? It surely does, for a life in touch with the sacred naturally has sacred nuances. You experience life from a calm, loving, and trustful place, open to divine blessings and grace. What could be more elevated than that?

Copyright © 2024 Susana Cabaço. All Rights Reserved.

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30 thoughts on “Touching the sacred

  1. I am glad it resonated with you, Edward! It’s indeed a beautiful experience. Grateful for your words and presence here. Always appreciated!! Sending you lots of light and blessings!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am so grateful for your kind words. Seeing beyond and uplifting others is not only your gift but also your greatness. And I appreciate you for that! I am glad my content resonated with you, Max. Infinite blessings and light 🙏💫

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautifully put, Matt! It’s indeed up to us; our intention and awareness are the key factors to “unlock” it all! Grateful for your words and presence here. Much appreciated! Light and blessings to you, friend!


  4. Thank you, Willie, for sharing your beautiful personal experience with the sacred. Greatly appreciated! What matter the most is indeed the calming presence and profound blessings one can experience in life. That’s what truly makes a difference… Sending you lots of light and blessings, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for sharing these thoughts on connecting with the sacred. As a Christian, I believe that our eternal essence and spiritual journey are profoundly shaped by our relationship with God. For me, touching the sacred means nurturing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who reveals God’s love and grace to us. It’s through prayer, scripture, and worship that I experience the calming presence and profound blessings of God in my life. I appreciate your perspective on being present and intentional in connecting with the sacred within and without.

    Have a Blessed Day

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you, my friend, for your precious input. Often are the simple things, such as watching our breath or mantra chanting, that brings us back home, to ourselves, and in touch with the sacred. Your words were also a synchronist message at this point of my journey. As you said, everything seems to fit and make sense. We are inspiring and guiding each other in so many ways, beyond our full comprehension. Lots of light and blessings 🙏💫

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  7. “Touching the sacred” involves me creating and building a conscious contact with something bigger and greater than me.

    The spirit of the universe, as I understand it, is always there. It’s up to me reach out and make the connection.

    M 🙂🙏🏻

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  8. Never stop reminding yourself about the sacred that knows you, whatever you are going through. First, because it is really aware of you; second, because that’s the way of bringing that energy into your experience. Life gets better, comfortable, and calm. Great to hear from you, Cookie. I greatly appreciate your words and presence here. Blessings and light to you, my friend 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks so much. I am able to relate to this post in a way. Only yesterday, I received two suggestions from two different messages – a) to get back to watching my breath as a default state of being, b) to chant OM and ground myself periodically.

    Now, when your post talks of touching the sacred, all these seem to fit together and make sense.

    Liked by 1 person

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