Softness of being

A good deal of mundane experiences can harden your attitude toward life, regardless of softness being innately part of your beingness. Such a gentle, docile state of being naturally takes you through life with ease and flow. The opposite creates resistance and opposition, which clearly makes the journey more difficult. Irrespective of your current challenges, you can always choose to return to your innate softness of being. Soften to your essence that is soft by nature. When you do so, your soft beingness extends into your reality, and life too softens for you. It embraces you gently and cares for you tenderly, as you truly deserve. Softening is half-way toward greater peace, compassion, and even awareness, toward a more smoothed, enlivened, and enlightened state of being. Softly, you embody your essential light and naturally spread it around you. The ultimate requisite for the current times is to soften, and to soften more, and to soften again, no matter what you encounter along the trails of life!

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50 thoughts on “Softness of being

  1. Thank you, my friend, for your kind words and presence here. Greatly appreciated. Cultivating it within is the way to expressing it without. And, of course, to experiencing all that is related such as peace. Sending you lots of light and blessings 🙏 💫

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It embraces you gently and cares for you tenderly, as you truly deserve. Softening is halfway towards greater peace and compassion. Soothingly whispering as a breeze. Bless you and your words. I so earnestly wish we could cultivate the mind power of softness, for the sake of peace and required gentility.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Truly, Amen

    Your words consistently uplift and inspire us, fostering an open-minded approach to navigating life’s complexities. While we recognize this world is temporary, with our true home awaiting us in Heaven, your posts offer solace and resonance. They underscore the importance of embracing our authentic selves as we gracefully maneuver through life’s trials.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautifully said, Willie! I greatly appreciate your input and presence here. And, of course, I am so glad these words resonated with you. It’s indeed time to embrace our essence and embody it as we go through life. Which other way could bring about the change we wish to see in our world?!?! Sending you lots of light and blessings 🙏 💫

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Your perspective is truly beautiful and deeply resonates with me. It suggests that embracing our natural essence can be a powerful tool in gracefully navigating life’s challenges.

    Your words will stay with me as I continue on my journey.

    Let’s embrace our softness and let it guide us along our path, illuminating each step we take.

    Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I totally agree, Edward! That’s why that is my deepest feeling at this time: soften, and soften more, and soften again… to counterpart this hard world. From an individual to global level, that’s the way to a better world! Thank you for your comment and presence here. Lots of light and blessings, my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. This part is so true and important: “The ultimate requisite for the current times is to soften, and to soften more, and to soften again, no matter what you encounter along the trails of life!” Hardening of the heart is what is destroying this world.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you, friend, for your kind words and appreciation. I am glad my words here resonate with you and inspire you in some way. That’s my rejoicement and special gift for the day ahead! Sending you lots of light and blessings*

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I love your posts Susana, you always teach and show me a lot of wisdom. I love this idea of softening towards life, this does remind me of being in the cosy cocoon of my home and reflecting on life there you are so right. I feel very grateful to have a warm place to live when many don’t too. I will carry this piece of beautiful wisdom with me throughout the day 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Emotions are indeed natural and it’s important to honor them. Softness is not a weakness as many believe. It’s an inherent part of our essence and allowing it means to be soul-aligned – being an expression of our pure, spiritual essence. Thank you for you kind words, important input, and always appreciated presence. Your poetry always takes me to mystical “places”, and resonate within me beyond logical understanding. I appreciate reading it and being taken beyond. Sending you lots of light and blessings 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You speaking facts.some people are so harden that they forget eyes are used for tears and release. Emotions are natural and it’s important to show softness and be reflective. You are truly a winner and one of a kind soul ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  12. We are simply recalibrating to our innate essence and to the essence of life, and that, by it self, brings forth the “solution.” Grateful for your words and presence here. Blessings and light to you, dear Camilla*

    Liked by 1 person

  13. And it’s all within. We are blessed and powerful beyond our human comprehesion. Little by little, we are starting to uncover it. Thank you for your input, Godhuli! Much appreciated! Blessings and light to you, my friend 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I totally subscribe your words. Ultimately, we are just being who we truly are – soft by nature – beyond the society tough templates! Thank you for your priceless input and presence here. Much appreciated! Sending you lots of light and blessings 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  15. It feels right and true because is inherently part of our nature. Not always easy, but we are on our way back home, to ourselves! I am glad these words resonated with you, Gilda. It’s great to have you around. Blessings and light 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I am glad it resonated with you. And yes, letting go is one of the ways to our softness of being. Ultimately because softness is already part of our nature; something else is blocking or conditioning it. Thanks for your words and presence here. Blessings and light to you 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Much needed message for the current times! Innate gentleness need not be and must not be given up, just to fall in line with a hostile majority. If the society is adamantly rude, I feel we have a right and a duty to be adamantly gentle.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I resonate with your wisdom shared. Thank you!! Softening feels right & true. Relaxing & breathing deeply especially before responding. A simple & necessary rule for peace, not always so easy to do!

    Liked by 4 people

  19. It is indeed as you said; society taught us to be hard alluring that softness is weakness. The result is obvious: hard hearts and hard lives – very far from our original potential and intention for this life experience. Thank you for your priceless comment. Much appreciated! Light and blessings to you, friend 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  20. It can be hard indeed specially if we were taught to be hard because softness is seen as weakness. I greatly appreciate your words and presence here. Blessings and light to you, my friend 🙏 💫

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Great Post I think we misconceived softness of being into weakness. Society and the world enforces us to be rude and face life with no smile on our faces which only leads to more misery. Great share Susana I needed this reminder.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Your lovely article reminded me of a quote from G.K. Chesterton, “It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.” 🙂 I had to go look for it, because this is an interesting thing, indeed, softness and lightness.. “The swiftest things are the softest things. A bird is active, because a bird is soft. A stone is helpless, because a stone is hard. The stone must by its own nature go downwards, because hardness is weakness. The bird can of its nature go upwards, because fragility is force. In perfect force there is a kind of frivolity, an airiness that can maintain itself in the air.”

    Liked by 4 people

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