Blessing each other

Blessing each other

While playing with my cat, among caring touches and loving eyes contacts, it came into my mind that “we are a blessing on each other’s life”. Her life improved a lot because I brought her into my home and heart, and my life improved a lot for having such a loving, sweet friend around. She entered into my world out of nowhere and expanded it out of love.

Sometimes the Universe sends others into our lives, whether humans or animals, as true blessings. Our life roads cross so while walking together, we add goodness into each other’s life. Each day we have the opportunity to be a blessing on other’s life, as well as to be blessed by their existence. Sometimes pets seem to be sent in a higher mission to heal our hearts, blessing our lives as if they are angels in disguise. Somehow, we bless each other, adding greatness to LIFE.

© 2020 Susana Cabaco – All Rights Reserved. You have permission to share this content for as long as you credit the author and the site. Image credits: Pixabay

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24 thoughts on “Blessing each other

  1. Thank you dear friend for your feedback and comments. Patience, love and trust are essentials to win the heart of a cat. In truth, they are the ones leading all the process, we just need to see their signs… much love and blessings for both ❤🐈 Be well, S*

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! I enjoyed your post about your little Friend; I love cats and birds so I have either had a cat or a bird; this time as I move to my forever place I know I’m already gifted with a Tuxedo cat that I have named Mindy; she will be going with me. She is a bit ferral cause she is an out-door kitty that hangs out by the pool of a friend of the family so I have to figure out just how I’m going to move her to my new house; interesting…
    And thanks for reading my last post about my “musings” the other night. Happy to meet a fellow Fur Baby lover!

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  3. …deep down maybe we are like the kitten….where we also wander the world that doesn’t feed us and one day come to know a home of unconditional acceptance and love..

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ❤🐈❤🐈❤🐈❤
    They are precious gifts… 💝 thank you dear friend for commenting and being around. Many blessings, S*

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you dear friend for your feedback. I am glad you enjoy it. Indeed the world wouldn’t be the same without our cat companions… less love, wisdom and laugh… that’s for sure 😺 Many blessings, be well, S*

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  6. I agree, Susana. We do for others and they do for us and it’s a better world because of this. Of course, cats sometimes only do for themselves. Haha. But it’s pretty charming and makes me laugh. Which definitely is a help in this life! Haha. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I am pretty sure you are, and not just for him, but to all that somehow are connected to you. Many blessings dear Nora, you are a precious soul. In the light, S*

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  8. I truly believe You, Susana! It’s funny, Pappy loves me and is very demonstrative, but he has a HUGE love for my sweet man, Bill. It’s uncanny and one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen. 😊🐱❤️🌀🤗!

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  9. I believe you are blessed beyond measure for having such special guest with you. He is caring for you much beyond your aprehesion/comprehesion. Enjoy this blessed experience dear Katy and thanks for sharing your cat blessings. Be well, in the light, S* 😺💝

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  10. It’s quite amazing how they find us… they come into our lives as blessings/gifts from the Universe/Source… such little fellows add so much to our existence… lessons, protection, joy, laugh, love… always nearby yet always respecting our distance… blessed we are for such wonderful cat experiences and purrrrrfect love 💞🐈 Much light dear Barbara, S*

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I totally subscribe dear Tanya. Not just angels but masters too… we are truly blessed for having such elevated companions. Much love, S*

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I believe they ‘know’ where to find us because we are part of their mission. We are sooooo blessed… more than we actually realize. Many blessings and love into your ❤ dear George, S*

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Hi Susana! I totally agree. My darling little cat Violet was gifted to me as well! I moved into my current home after living on farms for years, and had three elderly cats at the time. One by one, they sadly passed away…until there were none. For a few years I was ‘catless’, and then one day, I was thinking it might be nice to have another little kitten around me. The very next day, I was walking on my verandah and looked down into my garden as I had heard a little mew…and…there, all curled up was a little kitten. Now, there is no-one living next to me, and no way she could possible have just appeared, bu appear she did! She has been living with me now for around three years and regularly blesses me with her very being. In the recent bushfires, she refused to leave me as well…such a little angel! Thanks for sharing Susana…I loved your post! Angel hugs, Barbara from Sydney xoxoxo

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  14. We too had a very hungry kitten wander the neighbourhood only to show up on our back porch last year. Now a cherished member of the family, I wonder whether animals can sense which home offers love and acceptance.

    Liked by 4 people

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